Friday, September 18, 2009

Ballads of Suburbia Fan Art and Facebook Discussions

The lovely Ritsuka Walker brightened my day by sending me some artwork she did inspired by Ballads of Suburbia. I wanted to share it with you all. Here is Ritsuka's vision of Kara, which she did in Photoshop (a program I really wish I knew how to use!):

And here is Ritsuka's statement about her work:

I made the lines really rough and jagged because I personally think that it depicts Kara perfectly. She's been through a lot, she's rough around the edges, but she's still here. I also made her stance straight forward and in your face. She's finally learned to stand on her own two feet. I also decided to draw her showing off her scars, sort of like a badge of honor for surviving Scoville. Speaking of which, that would be Scoville Park in the background.

I absolutely love seeing how my readers were inspired by my books through their artwork, songs, etc. Last year I did a fan art contest for IWBYJR and I do plan on doing one for Ballads or some sort of contest for Ballads after the wedding. I dunno, what kind of contest would you like to see me run?

I've also been catching up on some blog interviews lately and one posted today with Crystal Reviews. It was a lot of fun to do, so please check it out!

I love doing blog interviews because it leads to interaction with readers and I also love doing online book clubs. I've been answering questions for a book club at the online community, the Viper Room. And it gave me two ideas:

One I really want to know who people would see as which characters in Ballads of Suburbia if it was made into a movie because I have no clue. I had an idea for IWBYJR, but am clueless with Ballads, so tell me your thoughts and I may steal them to answer interview questions someday.

Two, I decided I wanted to give more people the opportunity to ask me about my books and writing, etc, so I've started three new discussion threads on my Facebook Fan Page where you all have the opportunity to become fans and then ask about Ballads, IWBYJR or general writing questions. I plan to try to answer these questions once a week (this may fall apart right around the wedding, but I'll do my best). So if you have questions for me, please head on over and ask them. Hopefully this will be a lot of fun for both of us!


Anonymous said...

She did an excellent artwork!
Thank you for sharing.
And thank you for the links.
All the best,

Sab H. said...

Ha! That drawing of Kara is fun! Thanks for linking the interview! ;D