Now I am keeping up with Women Who Rock Wednesday because we are doing a very important and special thing this month. We are talking to women who are working for a cause or in the case of my very best friend in the whole entire world, Katie Lagges, helping to save the earth, one pizza at a time. So let's meet Katie and learn about the delicious and environmentally friendly place where she works, Pizza Fusion.

Q: You've been in the culinary world since high school and over the past few years have been drifting more and more toward an interest in organic cooking and green business practices. Right now you are at a place called Pizza Fusion in Naperville, IL. Can you tell us about this business, what drew you to it, and why organic foods and green business practices are so important.
Katie: Pizza Fusion is a great newer company. It started in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida in 2006. The Naperville Location is the first in the Midwest and the ONLY one in IL. (Note from Stephanie, it is located at W 75th St and Beebe Dr, one block from Route 59 and I eat there whenever I can because it is soooooo delicious!)
Our menu is 75% organic, and we are the "greenest" business in the nation.
I was drawn to it at first because of the Organics and Green aspects. I've worked with local organic farmers in years past, and the topic is very close to my heart. We also provide several vegan options along with Gluten Free options. These particular offerings are so important to me for several reasons. Having so many dietary restrictions myself, I am so happy to be able to provide a dining option to those who may not be able to dine out otherwise. The vegan options are near and dear to me, for the same reasons, along with having first hand experience watching my best friend have such limited options.
The green aspects are very important to me as well. As a company, we are doing our part to help save the planet. Not only are we trying to save it, but we are trying to change the way things are done, to better our planet.
Organic Foods are important to me for several reasons. What we put in our bodies effects everything to do with our health, our longevity as a species, and nature in general. Most foods that we have put in our bodies throughout life have been Genetically Modified and Chemically Modified. If we are what we eat, then we are big walking chemicals, with lots of sugar syrups!
There is a misconception that Organic food must taste bad, but really I see it as food, but better!
I could go on and on for days, but I don't think your readers want to hear the lecture!
As for Green Sites to check out: and
Q: I have two questions that I always ask my Women Who Rock, the first is a two-parter. What was the first album you bought and the first concert you attended? Be honest, we don't judge, we like to see the roots of our women who rock!
Katie: The first Rock cd's I bought were Nirvana's Bleach, and Pantera: Vulgar Display of Power
The very first concert I attended was White Zombie and Anthrax. I do love a good pit!
Q: Tell us about your biggest rock star moment, perhaps it's a moment of real success in your career, a time when you met someone super cool and had that Wayne's World "I'm not worthy" moment, or just a time where you felt like you got the rock star treatment. I get a huge variety of answers for the questions, so it's pretty much whatever "rock star moment" means to you!
The green aspects are very important to me as well. As a company, we are doing our part to help save the planet. Not only are we trying to save it, but we are trying to change the way things are done, to better our planet.
Organic Foods are important to me for several reasons. What we put in our bodies effects everything to do with our health, our longevity as a species, and nature in general. Most foods that we have put in our bodies throughout life have been Genetically Modified and Chemically Modified. If we are what we eat, then we are big walking chemicals, with lots of sugar syrups!
There is a misconception that Organic food must taste bad, but really I see it as food, but better!
I could go on and on for days, but I don't think your readers want to hear the lecture!
If they would like more info, check out or visit our Facebook fanpage.
Q: Can you tell us about some other organic or green charities that you believe are important so we can check them out?
Katie: There isn't a specific Green charity that I think is more important than another, but giving I am a supporter of giving to foundations that help keep our earth clean. Nature conservations, Groups that clean oil spills, etc, are all wonderful. Another great way to help minimize your carbon footprint is by shopping at local farmer's markets. Buying local produce not only helps local farmers, buying local products cuts down on emissions and energy used to ship produce from other countries.
Q: Can you tell us about some other organic or green charities that you believe are important so we can check them out?
Katie: There isn't a specific Green charity that I think is more important than another, but giving I am a supporter of giving to foundations that help keep our earth clean. Nature conservations, Groups that clean oil spills, etc, are all wonderful. Another great way to help minimize your carbon footprint is by shopping at local farmer's markets. Buying local produce not only helps local farmers, buying local products cuts down on emissions and energy used to ship produce from other countries.
As for Green Sites to check out: and
Q: I have two questions that I always ask my Women Who Rock, the first is a two-parter. What was the first album you bought and the first concert you attended? Be honest, we don't judge, we like to see the roots of our women who rock!
Katie: The first Rock cd's I bought were Nirvana's Bleach, and Pantera: Vulgar Display of Power
The very first concert I attended was White Zombie and Anthrax. I do love a good pit!
Q: Tell us about your biggest rock star moment, perhaps it's a moment of real success in your career, a time when you met someone super cool and had that Wayne's World "I'm not worthy" moment, or just a time where you felt like you got the rock star treatment. I get a huge variety of answers for the questions, so it's pretty much whatever "rock star moment" means to you!
Katie: I'm not sure I've had a real "rock star" moment yet. I've had some very close ones. I'm still hoping have one soon!
Ahem. I would like to suggest giving Katie a rock star moment by going into the Naperville Pizza Fusion and screaming "Katie, we love you!" But only do this if you are going to order a pizza of course.
Now those of you looking to enjoy Pizza Fusion pizza, here is their list of locations. Saving the earth, it can be fun and delicious! Oh and you can win prizes too....
This Month's Contest:
As you probably know by now, this month, I'm doing one big Women Who Rock Wednesday contest. The grand prize winner will get copies of both of my books I WANNA BE YOUR JOEY RAMONE and BALLADS OF SUBURBIA signed and, even more importantly, they will get to choose which charity I donate to at the end of the month. I'll put together a list of charities to choose from at the end of the month, and there will definitely be a "green" charity.
Here are the ways you can tally up entries.
+1 for leaving a comment
+1 for tweeting or linking to this blog entry
+1 for tweeting or linking to the Pizza Fusion Website
+2 for becoming a fan of Pizza Fusion on Facebook
As you probably know by now, this month, I'm doing one big Women Who Rock Wednesday contest. The grand prize winner will get copies of both of my books I WANNA BE YOUR JOEY RAMONE and BALLADS OF SUBURBIA signed and, even more importantly, they will get to choose which charity I donate to at the end of the month. I'll put together a list of charities to choose from at the end of the month, and there will definitely be a "green" charity.
Here are the ways you can tally up entries.
+1 for leaving a comment
+1 for tweeting or linking to this blog entry
+1 for tweeting or linking to the Pizza Fusion Website
+2 for becoming a fan of Pizza Fusion on Facebook
+5 for posting about Pizza Fusion and/or organic food or green living on your blog, myspace or facebook page
+10 for visiting your local Pizza Fusion or buying local, organic food
Please note your additional entries in your comment. Provide links when you can, but obviously with buying organic food, I'll be taking your word for it. Please also leave an email address in your comment so you can be contacted if you win!
I really hope you are enjoying learning about these organizations as much as I am and maybe they are inspiring some New Years resolutions about helping your own community. Please come back next week to learn about another woman who is rockin' an important cause!
+10 for visiting your local Pizza Fusion or buying local, organic food
Please note your additional entries in your comment. Provide links when you can, but obviously with buying organic food, I'll be taking your word for it. Please also leave an email address in your comment so you can be contacted if you win!
I really hope you are enjoying learning about these organizations as much as I am and maybe they are inspiring some New Years resolutions about helping your own community. Please come back next week to learn about another woman who is rockin' an important cause!
75% organic is awesome, I wish there was a place like this near me.
Thanks for posting. My wife and I will have to go there for pizza.
pizza fusion sounds delicious. [=
love this blog!
Katie is already a rock star in my eyes! Go organic!
Does this still count even though it's not when you posted the blog? I sure wish I found your blog earlier, lol.
+2 for becoming a fan of Pizza Fusion on Facebook
+5 for posting about Pizza Fusion and/or organic food or green living on your blog, myspace or facebook page
+1 for tweeting or linking to the Pizza Fusion Website
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