But the photographer, Chad McGavock was super cool and incredibly talented. He had excellent "visions" as my friend Eryn would call them, for how and where to pose me. And we did the shoot at night at the real Scoville Park. I think it captured the kind of doomed, dark feeling of Ballads of Suburbia, and the same look as the cover of the book even though the cover is not a picture of the real park. So I asked Chad to send me the outtakes so I could share them.
So here they are and I'm posting them because I really admire his photography. I feel really weird posting more pictures of me actually. I feel like I've been doing that a lot lately and it actually triggered an interesting blog entry that I wrote over on the MTV Books blog about self-esteem--mine through the years and the self-esteem of my characters. So yeah, go read that if you get a chance. I think it remains an important topic to talk about because all teens and probably *everyone* struggles with it.
But here are Chad's amazing photos, please click on them so you can see them larger and get the full effect:

I totally get why they chose the shot they did for the profile, but the outtakes are STUNNING!
Wow, I love these. The slide on has so many colors, and I love the big emptiness in the first shots.
These shots are amazing! I especially love the pictures with the slide. So many colors.
Thanks for all the compliments guys! Chad really is amazing isn't he? The composition of the shots... um that's what it's called right? And the colors definitely rock!
Wow, you're right, that guy is a remarkable photographer! Those shots are absolutely gorgeous :) (with attitude, of course)
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